Radical Integrity: Make Your Word GOLD

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2020

What does integrity mean to you? Better yet, what does radical integrity mean to you?

What is radical integrity?

If you ask me, it comes down to commitment. But not only keeping your commitments to others. Instead, it also means being fiercely committed and accountable to YOURSELF. 

All too often, we're great at keeping our word to other people.

We promise someone we'll get something to them by 5 PM, and it's in their inbox by 4:30. We tell our children we'll have a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning, and even though we're exhausted, we come through for them with a spread fit for royalty.

But what about the things we promise ourselves? 

Maybe it was a commitment you made to attend three yoga classes a week for six months. By the second month, it dwindled to one class a week. By the third month, you had stopped going at all. 

The commitments we make to ourselves are often the easiest to break. The consequences seem less severe. We're not disappointing someone else.

But when did what YOU want and what YOU deserve become less important?

When you make a commitment to yourself, chances are it began with the goal of bettering yourself or improving your life in some way. You deserve those results you want, but you won’t get them without radical integrity. 

Integrity begins with consistent accountability

It's time to stop being inconsistent with being accountable to yourself, even if you're being 100% accountable to others. 

I know how impeccable you are when you give your word to someone else - consider it done, for sure. And, I also bet you don't always use that same standard with yourself. 

It feels super frustrating to not follow through on that yoga class you said you were going to do. Or that overdue coffee with a friend you want to go on. Or that course you were going to launch. It’s a slippery slope, I know. 

And the sad truth is, the more we let the impeccability of our word to ourselves slip, the more we open the door for it to happen.

Make your word to yourself gold

Your word to yourself needs to become GOLD if you plan on building your integrity with yourself.  

Have your promises to yourself mean everything. Stick to them like your integrity depends on it, because it does. 

This shift and upgrade will have you making even more powerful commitments and keeping them and taking everything to an entirely new level. You will be someone who does what they say they are going to do. 

You will be able to finally follow through on all the ideas you have for yourself. (Now take a moment to let the possibilities that come with this sink in!)

Building personal integrity

You know you need to start being 100% accountable to yourself and that your word must become gold. 

But how do you get there?

To build personal integrity you need to get consistent with following through on what you say you are going to do. 

And that starts with a decision: Make the decision to be 100% in your follow through. 

Make commitments you can keep. Build in reward, consequences, accountability that will work for you to guarantee success. Follow through. Repeat.

Let's begin

To start, I challenge you to make one small commitment to yourself today. Keep it. Repeat. (A great place to start is your “Do 1 Thing Today List." Find it here.)

I'd love to support you even more on your journey to radical integrity and the business and life transformation that comes along with it. Check out the different ways to work with me by visiting this link, and find the support you've been looking for. 

Did you learn a lot from this post on radical integrity? Here are three others you won't want to miss:

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